High Quality Outdoor Working Areas To Improve Student Experience

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The benefits of learning outside the confines of a traditional indoor classroom have been well documented, from the mental health and social skills advantages to the opportunities al fresco education offers to develop physical ability.

Students get better at connecting with nature, learn risk-taking, adaptability and resilience, plus there’s more space to learn by doing something, so that absorbing information becomes far more interactive.

The very act of stepping outside can be enough to energise, uplift and allow students to switch off from stress and pressure. You can also provide real-life, practical experiences and teach new skills while enhancing teamwork and thinking while feeding seamlessly into the curriculum.

But it’s not just primary school children who can benefit from taking their learning outside – older pupils and students can, too.

Learning construction skills outside

Construction is clearly a varied sector, with great potential for career advancement and high earnings. There are also clearly recognised pathways to training and acquiring skills and qualifications, which make those who complete training in the industry highly employable.

When it comes to the learning of practical skills like bricklaying, in particular, there’s a lot to be said for taking things outside. Clearly, there are all the benefits mentioned above. But covered areas like canopies are ideal locations for these sorts of classes specifically since they allow students to work outside regardless of weather, and that classes can continue all year round, plus you’ll have plenty of room to spread yourselves out and teach comfortably.

Outdoor canopies for student learning from Kensington Systems

We’ve recently completed a couple of projects for vocational colleges which have wanted to build covered outdoor areas to teach students building skills. We can build low-maintenance outdoor canopies which provide the perfect setting for this type of learning, and which are tailored to the individual’s needs, so we were more than happy to oblige.

When you install our high-quality structures, you can look forward to a number of benefits, including:

  • Speedy installation.
  • A wide range of colours and fabrics from which to take your pick.
  • All groundworks are included as standard – we’ll be with you from installation through to final clean-up, with a single point of contact throughout, making for a really stress and hassle-free process.
  • Our Spaceshade® canopies have a modern, minimalist design with built-in downpipes and guttering to suit college buildings whatever their age – we also offer built-in safety features including non-fragile roofs and hidden fixings for extra peace of mind.
  • Incorporate clear glass or tough polycarbonate side walls for added protection from the elements so you can use your space really flexibly.
  • Add heating and lighting if you wish – there’s also the option to have solar panels.
  • Our team is ISO 9001-accredited.

Outdoor Canopies For Colleges

Get in touch today for an initial chat about an outdoor canopy at your college, and we’ll take it from there.