Transforming Your Store Front With An Entrance Canopy

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For a retail premises, an entrance canopy can either be freestanding or attached to the side of your building. These structures create a welcoming entrance, along with protection from the elements, from rain and wind to extreme heat. They set a positive tone before someone has even set foot inside your store. (After all, first impressions are the ones which really matter. And if the outside of a place looks unappealing, the natural assumption is that it will be in a similar state inside.)

So canopies can be bright, colourful features which help to attract business while making the most of available space.

And not only do shopfront canopies come in all shapes and sizes, you can make them in myriad different materials. You may also want to consider incorporating signage, for example a logo or company name, to make your canopy stand out and convey your unique brand message to the world.

Here are some benefits of entrance canopies

Keeping your entrance area welcoming and presentable

With a canopy, the entrance to your premises remains dry. So customers won’t bring water into your store. (Have matting as well and your shop floor will stay dirt-free.) At the same time, you will be helping to prevent slip-and-trip accidents.

A seamless, sheltered transition

A canopy can provide a sheltered transition from the outdoor world, allowing customers to pause, and move indoors at their leisure, no matter what the weather is doing. It also helps to provide a covered entrance for wheelchair users, as per DDA regulations.

Extend usable working space

You can also use a store-front canopy to extend the amount of space your business can use. And that is especially the case if you run a hospitality operation such as a hotel, café or restaurant, for which any extra space in front of the property is often at a particular premium. You could use it for seating or even to display some merchandise. Alternatively, if you need one, you can also use a canopy to create a covered area for smokers.

Highlighting where the main entrance is

This can be especially useful if your premises has multiple external doors. If people are confused about how or where to enter a building, this can be frustrating and confusing, and get their visit off to a less than brilliant start. It may even put them off from wanting to go inside at all.

Retail entrance canopies from Kensington Systems

Kensington Systems specialises in high-quality entrance canopies across the UK for premises including retail sites, in a wide range of materials from aluminium to timber, and in multiple designs. What’s more, we can customise your structure to suit the design of your location, and your particular needs, allowing you to make the clearest possible branding statement. We’re also skilled at adding features from signage to lighting.

What we offer is an end-to-end solution, including all groundworks, fitting and post-installation clean-up. Plus you’ll have a single point of contact from start to finish, so that the whole process is as easy and hassle-free as possible.

Get in touch today to learn more and to discuss your requirements.

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